Friday, June 17, 2011

DJ is 7!

Today DJ is seven. I can not even begin to explain how much I love this little guy. He is my baby boy, my snuggle bunny, my own personal joker. He is always making me smile and laugh even when he is in trouble.
He has been a joy to raise and watch grow. He is perfect in everyway as Mary Poppins would say!

Today we are having him a birthday party at the local state park. He is so excited to be able to play with all of his friends on the water slide. Lots of pictures to follow.

Yesterday, I went and picked up all the last minute things. His BIG present, drinks, the cake. Well I have only used Walmart two times. Kaylee's 10th bithday and this time for DJ's 7th. It was a mess. We ended up getting a refund all together on his cake. First when I got there to pick it up it was the shape of a 7 like I asked for and the colors where all right purple and gold for LSU but it had purple back ground and gold dots and a curly bow on the side!!! Yup you read that right! I bow with poka dots! I went into crying mode. Luckliy the ladies calmed me down and went to fixing the cake. They did a good job but the only problem was they used to much icing and when I walked outside in the heat the icing slide right off! So then cake the tears again. AH! Luckily a friend of mine that was with me knew someone and is getting a cake for me. I hope it turns out ok. Still a little worried.

Well off for now...I have to get some sleep because I have a long, busy and might I add a HOT day ahead of me.

Till next time,

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