Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Natchez trip

We are back!
I have been home for about three days now but life has been a little crazy.
School, cleaning, church etc.
We stay busy 24/7!
Tonight is the last night for church until Sunday so I that will give us a little breathing room here in the LeBlanc house. Emilee is wide open on bible quizing. She has learned over 18 scriptures! Thats amazing how little minds can remember all of that and PLUS the word is in her heart forever!!
She has her first meeting on Friday, which we are all looking forward to. Kaylee and DJ had planned on learning and quizing too but they have not wanted to study. I am trying not to force them to quiz but I am making them review the scriptures with Emilee and myself as we try amd learn them.
They have a cd that sings them and it has been super helpful.

Now for details on my trip.
 We had a good time.

Theses are the ones we toured.
**picture to come**
This above picture is not mine.

Stanton Hall
the above picture is one I found online.

Some of the pictures are not mine. I found them online. I left the camera at my Mom's and I have no idea when I will going over there and I wanted to post what I had before I forgot the details.

Over all we had a good trip. We toured the four homes, went for a buggy ride (which was not as good as last time) I prefer the lady tour guide. We ate at the Eola Hotel for lunch one day which was YUM!
And did alot of shopping and site seeing.
It was nice for the get-a-way!
 But I am sure glad to be home.

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